Welcome to Livingspring Christian Church

Sunday Morning Services are at 10:30 am.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study is at 7:30 pm.

Meet Online with Zoom ID : 97971544498

About LivingSpring Christian Church

Welcome, and thank you for checking us out online! We hope our website highlights our warmth and excitement to have you visit with us. Our vibrant Sunday service with fun filled Kids Ministry is sure to light up Sunday for your whole family!

Please feel free to read more about our church and be sure to call or email us if there is anything else you would like to know. God Bless!


Our Mission


“In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said mustard seed faith can move mountains! This tells me that what we need is not more faith. The same peanut sized faith that saved you is able to raise your ‘Lazarus’! in Jesus Name, use it!”